Give Meaningful Chanukah Gelt.
Give Israel Bonds.

Israel Bonds Chanukah Girl Dad BigBox

During this Chanukah season, join us in kindling the light of hope in Israel. Together, let's make a lasting impact by giving Israel Bonds as Chanukah gelt and illuminating a brighter future for all.

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During this Chanukah season, join us in kindling the light of hope in Israel. Together, let's make a lasting impact by giving Israel Bonds as Chanukah gelt and illuminating a brighter future for all.

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Our Most Popular
Gift Bonds

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eMazel Tov Bond

  • Available in CDN or US currency.
  • Starting at $36.
  • Multiples of $1 can be added at the time of purchase.
online snipe
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Mazel Tov Bond

  • Available in CDN or US currency.
  • Starting at $100.
  • Multiples of $1 can be added at the time of purchase.
Chanukiah and kids

Share the pride and confidence you hold in the State of Israel when you choose to celebrate Chanukah with the gift of an Israel Bond. This unique and meaningful expression of the value you place in helping to build Israel’s future strengthens the nation of Israel while Chanukah is celebrated.

Join the long and meaningful tradition of giving Israel Bonds as Chanukah gelt!

Choose from these Chanukah Tribute Cards!

Select from two beautifully designed Chanukah tribute cards to accompany your bond purchase. Each card allows you to add a personalized message.
